The window comparator is a very useful circuit building block that is common in general electronics, but rarely found in modular synths. While a regular comparator activates when the input signal voltage is higher than a threshold level, a window comparator checks if the voltage is between two levels (these form the ‘window’).
Compare 2 combines two such comparators and a logic section in 8 HP. The result is an advanced tool for extracting gates and pulses from analogue signals in Eurorack synths.
The applications include complex rhythm generation, dual pulse width modulation, frequency multiplication/division with PWM, dynamic depth VCO synchronisation, voltage controlled swing, logic functions with adjustable thresholds… and many more waiting to be discovered!
Official manufacturer page: https://joranalogue.com/collections/eurorack/products/compare-2
Modulargrid page: https://modulargrid.net/e/joranalogue-audio-design-compare-2
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